Does wheatgrass bring positive changes to your health

Superfoods are gaining a lot of traction in the market right now and people are relying on a lot of these to boost their immunity or to strengthen their bodies. Wheatgrass is one such superfood that undoubtedly has numerous advantages, but should it be included in your daily diet? That’s a big question! Wheatgrass is one of the best choices to consider if you want to start living a healthier lifestyle.

How does wheatgrass keep you healthy

Wheatgrass is derived from grass, the common wheat plant, and is nature’s wonder food. In contrast to the fully-grown brown wheat grain, the grass is edible, gluten-free, leafy and green. It has been consumed for over 5,000 years, dating back to the ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilisations. The green leafy blades of wheatgrass were sacred to the Egyptians, who revered them for their health benefits. Compared to other nutrient-dense vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and alfalfa, wheatgrass was significantly superior in improving livestock health. It has therapeutic properties that provide your body with complete nourishment. Here are some of the health benefits of wheatgrass juice. 

Reasons to Integrate Wheatgrass Powder Into Your Daily Routine

Wheatgrass is packed with vitamins and antioxidants, containing vitamins like vitamin A, C, E and B12, which are challenging to obtain from other plant sources. 8 of its 17 amino acids are essential, the body cannot produce them, and you must get them from food. It contains protein building blocks as well as plant enzymes such as chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a vital plant enzyme that is highly alkaline.

What are the benefits of wheatgrass

Wheatgrass’s bright green colour is due to the green pigment in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll, like haemoglobin, is in charge of transporting oxygen and rebuilding red blood cells. It oxygenates the brain and liver cells while also removing metal and toxic buildup. Continue reading to learn about its excellent wholesome benefits for improving your health! 

Facilitates Digestion 

Wheatgrass possesses alkaline minerals that aid in the treatment of ulcers, constipation, and diarrhoea. It aids in colon cleansing and keeps acidity at bay. Instead of taking antacids to treat heartburn or indigestion, incorporate wheatgrass into your daily routine. It contains several elements that can help with digestion, including a lot of fibre and B complex vitamins, which help with the digestive system’s muscles and help in the conversion of carbohydrates into energy. In addition, it assists the body in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients and aids in digestion. With all of the detoxifying properties of wheatgrass, it cleanses the intestines, resulting in less bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort. 

Eases Menstrual Pains

Irregular and painful menstrual cycles are caused by malnourishment or a lack of vitamins and minerals, particularly magnesium and niacin. Wheatgrass’s combination of fibre, chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals can help treat haemorrhoids and ease menstrual cramps. It balances pH levels in the body, creating a more suitable environment for the ovary and fights PCOS. It raises oxygen levels in the body, which helps to improve cell and organ structure. Because of its high chlorophyll content, it treats anaemia.

Reduces Food cravings

Wheatgrass is a nutrient-dense food that does not cause your body to crave other foods. Some common nutrient deficiencies, such as magnesium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids, can cause you to snack. Because it is high in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, it reduces the desire for other foods to compensate for the lack of these nutrients. It helps to prevent overeating by reducing such cravings.

Neutralises Infections

Wheatgrass is also beneficial in terms of anti-infection properties. It helps slow the progression of certain infections and treats antibiotic-resistant conditions, avoiding harsher antibiotics for minor ailments. Avoid colds by taking wheatgrass supplements to boost immunity and ensure your body receives all of the vitamins it requires. If you don’t want to take wheatgrass supplements all year, focus on the cold-weather seasons when the chances of getting the common cold are much higher.

Prevents Varicose Veins

When we have weak or partially functioning valves, the blood that is constantly flowing pressurises the walls of the leg, causing them to expand and swell, resulting in venous insufficiency. Wheatgrass’s chlorophyll content, which has anti-inflammatory properties, soothes the inflammation caused by varicose veins. It also heals leg ulcers, wounds, and slows down the progression of veins thrombosis.

Detoxifies cells

Wheatgrass is highly nutritious and alkaline, making it an excellent detox tool and a great way to prime your cell function. It cleanses the body of toxins. High enzymes or amino acids act as a natural cleanser for detoxifying the liver, removing toxic heavy metals from the bloodstream and waste. The abundance of amino acids, fibre, protein, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes helps to boost immunity. It increases resistance to diseases and removes toxins from the body.

Treats Hangover

Hangover symptoms include pounding headaches, dehydration, exhaustion and shaky memory. Wheatgrass’s high alkalinity content may quickly cleanse your liver and offset the acidity caused by alcohol consumption, making it a great way to start the morning after. Furthermore, it hastens digestion, allowing the alcohol to pass through your system more quickly. It can change the alkalinity of your blood, add extra vitamins and minerals to your routine after a night of drinking, and reduce the symptoms of a hangover.

There are several more advantages to this incredible power food. We cannot summarise all of the benefits of drinking wheatgrass in people’s lives. It truly deserves the moniker Nature’s Wonder Food. Let us now learn more about the conditions it can prevent.

Who Needs It? Which Conditions Can It Treat or Prevent?

Wheatgrass is the best option to consider when making the switch to a healthier lifestyle. It accounts for nearly 70% of chlorophyll, the building block of all plant life and the most excellent source of living chlorophyll on the planet. This highly oxygenated plant can promote optimal body functions and prevent several chronic diseases. It has potent antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-ageing and antitumor properties. In addition, it can control the growth of harmful bacteria in the body and flush toxins out of the system, keeping you healthy and disease-free. Its extracts can be found in various products, varying from juices to cosmetics. Let us delve into some of the other conditions it can treat or prevent.

  • Clears Sinus Congestion
  • Type-II Diabetes
  •  Arthritis
  •  Cancer
  •  Neurodegenerative
  • Treats Hyperlipidemia
  • Stabilizes Lipid Levels
  • Increases Fertility
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Bronchial Disorders

Another one of the fantastic wheatgrass powder uses is its ability to treat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. It is a vitamin dense power food, particularly vitamin A and C, which can help make your skin glow from within, rejuvenate cells, care for sagging skin, maintain skin elasticity and keep you looking younger.

What are the advantages of wheatgrass powder

Now that we’ve seen the wheatgrass juice uses and the conditions it can help prevent, let’s look at the disadvantages and who should avoid it.

Possible Side Effects

Nobody knows what they are allergic to, and wheatgrass juice is no exception. Symptoms on various parts of the body can appear in minutes after consuming the juice. It is primarily due to the overproduction of certain chemicals, which can cause allergies in multiple bodies. Wheatgrass is usually safe to eat, but many people aren’t used to it, and overeating can trouble your stomach or cause other minor problems. Let us now look at some of the adverse effects of excessive consumption.


Some people may experience a headache after drinking wheatgrass juice. It could be a sign that the body is reacting negatively to the juice. Listeria monocytogenes is an organism that contaminates wheatgrass and has profound effects, including severe headaches.

Teeth stains

Regular consumption of wheatgrass shots has resulted in a strange green tint to their teeth. To avoid this scenario, brush your teeth immediately after drinking wheatgrass juice.

Appetite loss

While it is beneficial for people who want to lose weight, it is extremely unhealthy in the long run and can harm one’s body and health.


Wheatgrass contains gluten, which causes nausea in people who are gluten intolerant.

Fever of moderate severity

Wheatgrass excretes toxins from the body, and due to weakness, the fever is a sign that the detoxification process is taxing.

Fatigue and Dizziness

Fatigue and dizziness occur after consuming wheatgrass, which is caused by consuming large amounts of undiluted wheatgrass juice. You can try wheatgrass shots to get the nutrients you need in a convenient shot form if you’ve had this problem.

These are some of the mild and uncommon side effects of excessive consumption. Although it is generally safe for most adults, you should consult your primary care physician before incorporating it into your diet.

What are the side effects of wheatgrass

Now that we have seen the wheatgrass juice benefits and its drawbacks let’s look at the nutritional facts.

Nutritional Information and Ingredients – Background

Each 100 g of Wheatgrass is equivalent to nearly two pounds of fresh green vegetables and contains SuperOxide Dismutase, our body’s most potent free radical scavenger capable of fighting free radicals effectively and combating early signs of ageing. One ounce of fresh Wheatgrass extract is said to have 103 essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. That isn’t all! Wheatgrass is also high in vitamins and liver enzymes. Chlorophyll, a phytochemical, is the nutritional star of wheatgrass that gives dark leafy greens their colour. 

What are the nutritional aspects of wheatgrass

And on top of it, wheatgrass is high in 98 earth elements found in soil, including phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. Wheatgrass powder contains 1075 mcg of vitamin K, 12.5 mg of iron, and 300 mg of calcium per 100 g. One 8g tablespoon of organic wheatgrass powder contains, according to the United States Department of Agriculture, Energy: 25 calories, Protein: 1 gramme, Carbohydrates: 6 g, or 2% of an adult’s daily requirements (DV), Fiber: 4 g, or 14% of the daily value (DV), Calcium: 24 mg, Iron: 1 mg, or 6% of the daily value (DV), and Vitamin K: 86 mg or 70% of the daily value (DV).

As you can see, this nutrition profile explains where wheatgrass powder benefits come from. Let’s take a look at how to select the best supplement.

How to Choose the Right Supplement and Where to Buy It From

One of your first thoughts will be where to buy wheatgrass if you’re trying to figure out how much wheatgrass you need per day or how to get started with it. Wheatgrass is available at many health food stores and even smoothie bars. Compared to buying pre-grown wheatgrass at the store, growing wheatgrass at home is always a better deal. This superfood is becoming more widely available in various forms such as drops, capsules, powder, and tablets. Check if the product is USDA organic certified, non-GMO verified, gluten-free, and 100% organic. Ensure that the product’s labelling and marketing claims are accurate before purchasing it.

How to choose the right wheatgrass supplement to boost your energy

If you are looking for 100% organic wheatgrass extracts, Nurturic guarantees high quality and genuine products.

Our Take

Wheatgrass has a plethora of excellent health and wellness benefits. Incorporate it into your daily routine to detoxify your body and restore nutritional balance. It is a fantastic supplement for anyone and everyone. Wheatgrass, which is high in all essential nutrients, is an excellent example of living chlorophyll and is known to have rejuvenating and restorative properties. Like many other plants, it can add value to a healthy diet and help you maintain overall health and wellness.


1. What happens when you drink wheatgrass every day?

Wheatgrass can help you lower your blood pressure. Chlorophyll boosts blood cell count and helps to keep blood pressure in check. It purifies the blood and improves circulation.

2. Is wheatgrass bad for kidneys?

No. Wheatgrass is rich in nutrients and antioxidants, which can aid in the cleansing of our urinary tract and kidneys.

3. Is wheatgrass good for autoimmune disease?

Yes. It is used to treat chronic conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders.

4. Is wheatgrass good for skin?

Yes. It has the ability to boost the skin’s immunity and inhibit the growth of bacteria, promoting the healing of burns and radiation-induced skin irritation.

5. Does wheatgrass affect periods?

Regular consumption of wheatgrass juice, high in vitamins, relieves menstrual cramps while also regulating the cycle.

6. Does wheatgrass cause hair loss?

It removes dead skin and hair cells from the scalp and skin, allowing newer hair cells to grow. It not only promotes the growth of new hair but also reduces hair loss.

7. What does wheatgrass do to your body?

Wheatgrass contains enzymes that aid digestion by assisting your body in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients. Drinking wheatgrass juice may also aid in detoxification, resulting in less bloating, gas and stomach upsets.

8. What is the recommended dosage of wheatgrass powder?

It is recommended to consume 1-2 teaspoons or 3-6 mg of wheatgrass per day.

9. Can we drink wheatgrass juice daily?

Yes. It has been prized for its numerous benefits and is considered a living food. It can be used as a general health tonic and may even aid in treating certain diseases.

10. What is the best time to consume wheatgrass powder?

It is recommended to consume wheatgrass first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

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