What are the advantages of Jamun Juice

This content has been Medically reviewed by Dr Surya Kedara , M.B.B.S.

Tracking our health, dietary habits and nutrition can be challenging amidst the busy schedule. We love the dizzying explosion of flavor that turns our tongues purple! Yes, we’re talking about jamun, a nutrient-dense fruit. Jamun is a highly refreshing, tasty and fleshy fruit flooding summer markets, and has numerous health benefits. Jamun Juice is helpful in holistic therapies such as Ayurvedic and Unani medicine because it reduces Kapha and Pitta. Jamun juice benefits diabetic people as it contains insulin-like properties that help regulate sugar levels in the body.

Does jamun juice treats diabetes and respiratory problems

Syzygium cumini is the botanical name for the Java plum or Indian blackberry, Jamun or Jambul in Hindi, and Mahaphala in Sanskrit. The tall tree is native to the Indian subcontinent and is found in many Asian countries. There are two types of jamun available with white flesh with a high pectin content, whereas jamuns with dark purplish flesh have a lower pectin content.

Pectin is a polysaccharide substance found in the flesh of berries and fruits such as apples that acts as a thickener or jelly in jams and jellies. It is a low-calorie fruit high in vitamin C and minerals like iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and folic acid. This fruit packs a punch with high antioxidant content, diuretic properties, antibacterial and antiscorbutic properties.

What Benefits Does Jamun Juice Have For Our Health?

The Jamun tree has something to offer in every part of it. Because of its numerous health benefits, it holds a special place in Ayurvedic medicine. Minerals in fruit such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and vitamin C strengthen bones and help prevent osteoporosis and other calcium deficiency disorders. These nutrients are also essential for maintaining the health of the nervous system. Polyphenols and anthocyanin found in the fruit have anti-carcinogenic properties, lowering cancer risks.

What are the benefits Of Jamun Juice

Jamuns are large, dark-colored fruits. It has anthocyanin and antioxidant properties that protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. This also implies that it functions as an anti-ageing fruit. Let us take a look at some of the jamun juice benefits.

1. Low-Calorie Count

Jamun is the best choice for those on a low-calorie diet because it contains very little glucose and fructose. Because sucrose is absent, it makes an ideal snack or juice for diabetes and is strongly recommended for those who want to burn calories quickly.

2. Antibacterial and antiviral properties

The fruit’s anti-bacterial properties prevent bacteria from entering our bodies and keep us safe from bacterial or other infections. Jamun’s vitamin C content aids in the treatment of a sore throat and a severe cough. It boosts the healing and regenerating capacity of cells, which aids in the recovery of wounds. It also acts as an antihistamine, preventing allergic reactions. The body’s overall immunity improves, providing us with more energy to get through the day.

3. Mineral Abundance

Jamun fruits are a powerhouse of minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. In addition, it contains a variety of vitamins, such as A, C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, protein, carbohydrates, and fiber, which prevents chronic diseases, aids digestion, and cures a variety of gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, bowel disorders, nausea, and diarrhea. Sodium and potassium are primarily responsible for electrolyte balance in the body, whereas calcium and magnesium are necessary for healthy bones and teeth.

4. Iron-dense

Jamun, which is high in iron, is hugely beneficial and is recommended for anaemic patients. It is dense in iron content and one of the best natural foods for blood purification, improving RBC and hemoglobin levels. The black plum is high in vitamin C and iron. It boosts your body’s hemoglobin levels, which aids in your overall health. The iron in it helps to purify your blood while also increasing blood levels.

Now that you’ve seen what advantages jamun has for our health, let us discuss the benefits of jamun powder for diabetes and respiratory problems.

Is Jamun Good for Diabetics And Respiratory Problems?

The juice of jamun has anti-diabetic properties and a low glycemic index, which means it has zero effect on your sugar levels and prevents them from rising. It also contains oleanolic acid, which has anti-diabetic properties and can help reduce diabetes symptoms such as urination and thirst. It also slows the buildup of sugar and lipids in the blood. The compounds jamboline and ellagic acid found in its juice slow the rate at which the body converts food to starch and controls your blood glucose levels spiking. It improves insulin sensitivity and activity. The fruit of God is a well-known natural remedy for a variety of respiratory problems.

The jamun extract, which has potent anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and anti-asthmatic properties, is essential in treating common cold, cough and flu symptoms. It also loosens catarrh in the chest and nasal cavities, easing breathing and assisting the body in getting rid of mucus. It aids in the treatment of bronchitis and asthmatic conditions. Jamun’s traditional uses include boiling its bark for about 15 minutes and consuming it to treat respiratory disorders such as asthma. The bark of the jamun tree is astringent and digestive, and it has been used to treat sore throats, asthma, severe coughs and respiratory problems.

Now that you’ve seen how jamun can help with diabetes and respiratory issues, let us now discuss what other health conditions it can treat.

Amazing Health Incentives Of Jamun Juice

Jamun fruit contains a high concentration of bioactive phytochemicals such as polyphenolic compounds and flavonoids. It has anti-cancer and chemo-preventive properties and is very effective in treating cancer, heart disease, and liver disease. The antioxidant properties of ascorbic acid aid wound healing and strengthening teeth, bone, and cartilage.

What are the uses of jamun juice


The phenolic and flavonoid compounds such as catechin, quercetin, isoquercitrin, and rutin have solid immunomodulatory properties and reduce free radicals and inflammatory cytokines in the body. Let us dig deeper to know the jamun health benefits.

1. Purifies Blood

Jamun has the potential to act as a natural blood purifier. The fruit’s iron may help purify the blood, increase hemoglobin production, and promote its healthy circulation to various body parts. It aids in the natural removal of toxins from the body and maintaining good overall health.

2. Reduces Cancer Risks

Jamun juice contains numerous cell reinforcements that limit free extreme movement in the body. It has anti-cancer and chemo-preventive properties, effectively preventing malignant growth and guiding disease treatment.

3. Helps In Weight Loss

Jamun is a popular addition to all weight-loss diets due to its low-calorie content. Furthermore, it is a source of dietary fiber, so it improves absorption as well! Moreover, the fruit’s high fiber content and low glycemic index place it among the best summer fruits for weight loss.

4. Cures Gums And Bad Breath

The high concentration of vitamin C in jamun is beneficial to the teeth and gums. This essential vitamin has powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that may aid in treating oral problems such as bleeding gums, bad breath, plaque and sensitivity. The ash from its leaves is used in tooth powders and is effective for treating spongy gums. The antibacterial property of the juice aids in the removal of bacteria that may enter the mouth, thereby preventing bad breath.

5. Good For Menstruation

Jamun fruit contains a high concentration of iron, which may aid in producing red blood cells, increase hemoglobin count, and thus balance blood loss during menstruation. Jamun also aids in the cooling of the digestive system, which is frequently disturbed by menstruation.

6. Promotes Digestive Health

Jamun acts as a cooling agent and aids in treating digestive disorders such as diarrhea, indigestion, dysentery and dyspepsia. The powder of this plant’s bark and seeds also help to regulate the body’s bowel movements and eliminate waste at regular intervals. The juice of the fruit stimulates saliva production, which aids in the breakdown of food and makes digestion easier.

Now that you’ve learned about the uses of jamun juice, let’s look at the potential drawbacks.

Possible Side Effects

Though jamun juice is safe and has no side effects, it should not be consumed on an empty stomach or immediately after drinking milk because it may cause acidity. In addition, too much of it can cause diarrhea and raise blood sugar levels.

What are the side effects of jamun juice

  • These are just a few of the minor symptoms that can occur. Consult your certified physician right away if you experience any of the above symptoms. Now that you’ve learned about the jamun health benefits and side effects, let’s look at some nutritious recipes.

Healthy Jamun Smoothie Recipes

Jamun is a delicious and nutritious fruit that is available throughout the summer. It can be enjoyed as juices, smoothies, ice creams, salads, and pies, and it can also be transformed into jam to enjoy its flavor all year.

Healthy Recipes Of Jamun Juice

We bring you two such delectable Indian blackberry recipes, one that can be made at any time during the summer and the other that can be stored all year.

Jamun Fruit Smoothie – Black Plum Smoothie Recipe

Refreshing, healthy, and delicious Jamun smoothie recipe. Serve it with brunch or a mid-morning snack. It is good for people with diabetes. Nutrients present in Jamun fruit are good for our health. It also has an antibacterial property and is used in many medicines.

How to prepare black plum smoothie recipe


  • 1 cup deseeded Jamun (black plum)
  • 1 cup curd or yoghurt (low-fat milk)
  • 15-30 ml of Nurturic Jamun Juice
  • Crushed ice, as required

Preparation Method: 30 min

Estimated calories: 220 kcals

  • To make the smooth recipe, combine deseeded jamun with desired Nurturic Jamun Juice in a mixer jar or blender until smooth.
  • After that, add the milk, and crushed ice (optional) and blend for a few seconds.
  • Serve a healthy and delicious Jamun fruit smoothie alongside a nutritious breakfast.

Jamun Fruit Smoothie – Black Plum Smoothie Recipe with Flaxseeds

Jamun juice is a healthy, refreshing and diabetic-friendly smoothie. It can be consumed for breakfast or as an evening snack. Jambolene, an enzyme found in jamun, aids in utilizing glucose in the body and regulates blood sugar levels. When flaxseed is added to jamun juice, it becomes the most nutritious drink.

How to make diabetic friendly black plum smoothie recipe with flaxseeds


  • 3/4 cup deseeded Jamun (black plum)
  • 15-30ml of Nurturic Jamun Juice
  • Honey, to taste
  • Roasted flax seeds – 1 tablespoon
  • Crushed ice, as required

Estimated time: 30 min

Estimated calories: 240 kcals

  • To make the jamun fruit smoothie, combine deseeded Jamun with the desired amount of honey in a mixer jar or blender until smooth.
  • After that, add Nurturic Jamun Juice , crushed ice (optional), and blend.
  • Fill the glass halfway with the smoothie.
  • On top, sprinkle with roasted flaxseeds. Serve right away!

Jamun Fruit Smoothie – with Apple

Jamun with apple smoothie is good for diabetics and reduces inflammation.

How to make jamun apple smoothie recipe with good for diabetes


  • Jamun (black plum), deseeded – 10
  • Apple (peeled) – 1 (medium size)
  • Honey for taste (optional)
  • 15-30ml of Nurturic Jamun Juice
  • Lime – (2 to 3 drops)

Estimated time: 30 min

Estimated calories:160 kcals

  • Take fresh black jamun, without the seeds
  • Peel and cut the apple; place it in a mixer or blender
  • Blend the mixture with Nurturic Jamun Juice until it is smooth
  • Serve chilled with lime juice (optional)
  • Add honey to taste (optional)

Jamun Fruit Smoothie – With Chia Seeds and Nuts

Jamun can help maintain blood sugar levels when mixed with chia seeds and nuts as a delicious smoothie in the morning. Jamun has a high antioxidant content, which can help reduce inflammation.

How can jamun fruit smoothie with chia seeds for blood sugar levels


  • Jamun (black) – seeded – 10
  • Chia seeds – 1 tbsp
  • 15-30ml of Nurturic Jamun Juice
  • Honey – as required
  • Nuts – To garnish the dish

Estimated time: 30 min

Estimated calories: 174 kcals

  • Soak chia seeds in water overnight
  • Blend fresh Jamun (seedless) in a mixer or grinder with Nurturic Jamun Juice until smooth
  • Pour the smoothie into a glass and top it with Chia seeds
  • Garnish with nuts and honey if desired
  • Serve right away!

Jamun Fruit Smoothie with Banana

The combination of jamun and banana in a smoothie improves both taste and satiety. Jamun is a traditional fruit used to treat respiratory issues. Banana is high in fibre and high in antioxidants, proteins, and fats.

How jamun and banana smoothie helps for respiratory issues


  • Jamun (Black) – Seedless
  • Banana – 1/2
  • 15-30ml of Nurturic Jamun Juice
  • Honey – as required

Estimated time – 15 min

Estimated calories170 kcals

  • Take some fresh black jamun without the seeds
  • Peel and cut the banana into pieces
  • Put it in a mixing bowl or a jar with Nurturic Jamun Juice
  • Garnish with mint leaves (optional) after pouring into the glass
  • Serve chilled

You’ve seen the healthy jamun smoothie recipes for diabetic and respiratory disorder patients. Let’s look at how to choose the best supplement.

How to Choose the Right Supplement and Where to Buy It From

Before buying, ensure to see if the product is organic, if the ingredients listed on the label are safe to consume, and if the product is still in stock. If you’re watching your calories, choose juices that are 100% organic and pure. To be safe, avoid unpasteurized juices, which could contain harmful bacteria. Other preservatives may be added to the product if it is expected to last for an extended period.

How to choose the perfect jamun juice with nutrients

Nurturic guarantees high quality and authentic products if you are looking for 100% organic Jamun juice.

Our Take:

Jamun is a wonderful fruit that can help you with everything from diabetes to heart health, from improving your immune system to treating acne on your face. Include this superfruit juice in your diet to reap the most benefits.


1. What are the benefits of jamun juice?

Jamuns are low in calories, making them an ideal healthy snack. They also help with digestion and promote regular bowel movements. It contains bioactive phytochemicals, which help reduce the risk of liver disease and cancer and are effective in treating diabetes.

2. Is it safe to eat Jamun on an empty stomach?

No. Jamun should not be consumed on an empty stomach, as it is highly acidic and can irritate the digestive tract.

3. Does Jamun increase weight?

No. It helps in weight loss. It is a low-calorie fruit that is rich in fiber, making it a perfect weight loss combination.

4. Is it safe to drink Jamun juice during pregnancy?

Yes. It is safe to consume jamun during pregnancy because it aids in foetal growth and development. However, before incorporating it into your diet, you should consult your doctor.

5. What is the daily recommended dosage of Jamun juice?

It is recommended to take 15 ml twice a day.

6. Is jamun good for hair?

The antioxidant and antibacterial properties of jamun juice aid in treating bacterial scalp conditions, removing toxins from the scalp, and promoting healthy hair growth.

7. Is jamun juice good for PCOS?

Yes. The active constituents in jamun help overcome PCOs

8. How many calories does jamun fruit smoothie apple have?

It contains approximately 190 kilocalories per serving.

9. Is jamun rich in antioxidants?

Yes. Jamun contains significant amounts of ellagic acid/ellagitannins, which have high antioxidant and antiproliferative properties.

10. Is Jamun good for eyes?

Yes. Jamun is high in Vitamin C and is beneficial to the eyes. It also aids the body in the formation and maintenance of connective tissue, such as the collagen found in the eye’s cornea.

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