fenugreek health benefits

Since ancient times the human civilisation has used powerful herbs to treat various ailments. Until the advent of modern medicine, these herbs were the only option available. Many people, even today, turn to these herbs to cure illnesses. Fenugreek seeds have been among the most popular of these herbs since time immemorial. This wonder herb has numerous health benefits and there are several ways to consume it. In this article, we will talk about the nutritional value, the side effects and the 12 health benefits of Fenugreek seeds.

fenugreek nutrition

What is Fenugreek?

The Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) seed, also known as Methi seed, is a herb that is widely used for culinary and medicinal purposes. Fenugreek, which means ‘Greek Hay’, is a common part of Indian, Mediterranean, West Asian and Southern European cuisine. This bitter-tasting seed is used for multiple purposes; they are consumed whole and even in powdered form in India.

fenugreek health benefits

However, in India, which is a major Fenugreek producer, people also consume their leaves as a vegetable. Apart from its myriad culinary uses, the herb also has medicinal properties and is commonly used in alternative medicine. In this article, we will talk about the nutritional value, the side effects and the 12 health benefits of Fenugreek seeds.

Nutritional Value of Fenugreek seeds:

Fenugreek seeds are a nutritional powerhouse that contains essential vitamins, minerals and fibre. It is also rich in iron, manganese, magnesium etc.

One tablespoon of Fenugreek seed contains 35 calories and approximately has:

  • Total Fat 0.8 g
  • Saturated fat 0.2 g
  • Cholesterol 0 mg
  • Sodium 7.4 mg 0%
  • Potassium 85.5 mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 6 g
  • Dietary fibre 2.7 g
  • Protein 2.6 g

12 Amazing Health Benefits of Fenugreek:

Since ancient times Fenugreek seeds have been used for medicinal purposes. In an age where pills designed to cure us of diseases and prevent them fill our medicine cabinets, fenugreek can be a healthy and natural alternative. These incredible seeds can not only make your food tastier but also help in treating many ailments. The following are 10 health benefits of Fenugreek seeds.

fenugreek benefits1. Fenugreek to fight hair loss

Fenugreek is considered to be one of the best remedies to stop hair loss. The high quantity of vitamins, minerals, folic acid, protein and nicotinic acid in the methi seeds help reduce hair fall. The fenugreek seeds strengthen the roots of the hair. It also helps in treating other scalp issues while moisturising the hair.

2. Promotes weight loss

Weight loss can be very challenging; even an immense amount of effort can sometimes lead to little change. There are several diets, drugs, and exercise regimens that claim to help you lose weight. Some of these may not be effective, while others might even be harmful. Fenugreek seeds can be a natural and healthy alternative to it. The fibre found in the Fenugreek seeds helps curb the appetite and enhance a feeling of fullness. It also helps in burning fat. Thus it promotes weight loss, while simultaneously providing the various nutrition that comes with it.

3. Methi seeds for glowing skin

Fenugreek destroys the free radicals in the skin and eliminates problems like fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots. It makes your skin vibrant due to its exfoliating nature. The vitamin C in methi seeds gives your skin a glowing look.

4. Lowers cholesterol levels

High cholesterol levels can lead to many health issues, including heart attacks and strokes. The flavonoids present in the fenugreek lowers the LDL or the bad cholesterol in the body.
Several studies have shown that fenugreek reduces the cholesterol level.

5. Controls diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that requires consistent measures an entire lifetime; medicines help, but their impact on overall health can be harsh. If you are looking for a natural way to control or reverse diabetes, fenugreek seed is one of the best options out there. The rich fibre content in Fenugreek seeds helps in slowing down digestion and thereby lower blood sugar. The amino acids compounds in Methi promote insulin secretion in the pancreas, which in turn lowers the blood sugar.

6. Improves kidney health

Healthy kidneys are essential for a healthy body as they help flush toxins out of your body. Consuming Fenugreek seeds can help in keeping your kidneys healthy. Fenugreek helps in delivering oxygenated blood to the kidneys and increases the number of red blood cells in our body. Thus it aids in reversing kidney damage. Methi seeds help reduce calcification and can prevent and treat certain kinds of kidney stones.

7. Helps to treat fever

A natural remedy is not only a safer alternative to battle a fever but also helps your immune system become more robust. Since ancient times Methi seeds have been used to treat several ailments, including fever. Fenugreek seeds are a natural and healthy way to get relief from fever. Methi combined with lemon and honey is known to cure fever. The mucilage present in Methi has a soothing effect on a sore throat.

8. Alleviates menstrual cramps

Specific symptoms associated with menstruation, including the menstrual cramps, can cause extreme discomfort. The anti-inflammatory properties in Methi seeds can help in substantially reducing menstrual cramps as well as other symptoms associated with it. So, say goodbye to those annoying and painful cramps with this natural remedy.

9. Increases milk production in lactating mothers

Low milk production in lactating mothers can hamper a baby’s health. So, it is imperative that lactating mothers consistently produce a high quantity of milk. The phytoestrogen present in Methi increases milk production in lactating mothers.

10. Aids digestion

Indigestion can be the root cause of several ailments, so keeping your digestive system healthy is vital to ensure overall health. Fenugreek can provide relief from several stomach ailments. It prevents constipation and helps in curing indigestion. Methi is very soothing for the stomach and helps take care of digestive issues and heartburn.

11. Controls pimples

Fenugreek offers a safer alternative to the harmful pills and products that you use to prevent acne. Methi seeds also control pimples and help clear acne marks by flushing out toxins from the skin. Combining methi paste with honey can bring a big difference to the appearance of your skin.

12. Keeps dandruff at bay

Dandruff can be an annoying problem which even certain shampoos cannot get rid of. Anti-dandruff shampoos can also be too strong and lead to hair loss. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties in methi seeds offer an effortless and natural way to get rid of dandruff. Applying the methi paste on the scalp can reduce dandruff.

fenugreek health benefitsDifferent Methods of Consuming Methi seeds

There are multiple ways to consume fenugreek. In India, there are numerous dishes made from Methi leaves, while some have it post meals. Some even add it to dishes for enhancing the taste. You can make a paste out of the soaked seeds; it can also be powdered or eaten whole. Fenugreek can also be consumed with tea. You can soak the Methi seeds overnight and drink it in the morning with water. Eating sprouted Methi seeds is also very healthy.

4 Side Effects of Fenugreek Seeds

Even though fenugreek seeds come with several benefits, they are not devoid of any side effects. While studies have confirmed its benefits, there are also studies that have demonstrated the many side effects that it may cause.

fenugreek side effects

1. May cause health problems for pregnant women

While a small quantity of methi seed is harmless, large amounts can cause health problems for pregnant women. Large amounts of fenugreek seeds can cause bloating and indigestion. Hence, pregnant women must consult with a medical practitioner before including methi seed as part of a regular diet.

2. Combination with other drugs

If you suffer from any lifestyle diseases and are taking any medicines, then you must consult with your doctor before including fenugreek in your diet. Certain drug interactions with fenugreek might cause severe reactions.

3. Upset stomach

Consuming large quantities of fenugreek can result in an upset stomach. So, be mindful of the amount you consume and if you face any side effects, stop taking it altogether.

4. Might be unsafe for children

Fenugreek can cause an upset stomach in young children. It is advised to avoid giving fenugreek to toddlers. You can gradually introduce it in small amounts.

Apart from these side effects, fenugreek can also cause an allergic reaction and is known to make sweat and urine smell pungent. Diarrhoea is usually the most common side effect of consuming fenugreek, but this issue can be resolved by starting with a small dosage and increasing the quantity over time.

Bottom Line:

There is a perfect reason why Fenugreek seeds have been popular through the ages for its health benefits. Fenugreek seeds are beneficial for the hair, skin, weight loss, digestion, increasing milk production in lactating mothers, treating fever, alleviating menstrual cramps, and several other health problems as you have already read above. It is the versatile nature of methi seeds that truly makes it unique. It can be consumed as a whole, in powdered form, as an addition to any dish or in sprouted form. Even the leaves are used as vegetables.

Fenugreek has over the years, become an integral part of several cultures, both for medicinal as well as culinary purposes. In many of these cultures, methi seeds are used in some form daily. Even with all these incredible ranges of health benefits, they can cause some side effects as well. So, stop consuming them if you experience any side effects or consult with a physician.

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