Anti-diabetes tea to control and treat diabetes

Diabetes is an ailment that can severely impact your health and well-being if not appropriately managed. To manage diabetes, it is important to reduce inflammation, control sugar levels, and improve insulin resistance. Being dependent only on anti-diabetic drugs is not advisable in the long run. Surprisingly, a simple cup of tea has the ability to reduce blood sugar levels and help manage diabetes. 

Anti-diabetic tea for controlling diabetes

Whether it is your cup of tea or not, it is a fact that tea has many health benefits, including its ability to control blood sugar levels. An anti-diabetic tea can help you keep the disease under control. You must include any anti-diabetic tea in your diet in order to fight the illness.

So, let’s find out how anti-diabetes tea helps in controlling the disease. 

How Does Anti-Diabetic Tea Help in Controlling Diabetes?

Tea is one of the most popular and loved beverages all around the world. While it has always been popular for its taste, it is in recent years that tea’s health benefit has come to the forefront. Among the many benefits of tea is its ability to control diabetes. 

How does anti-diabetic tea help in controlling diabetes?

The powerful plant compounds that tea contains are what make it so beneficial in controlling diabetes. It is crucial for diabetic patients to consume food or drinks that regulate blood sugar levels. Tea keeps the body hydrated, fights cellular damage, and reduces inflammation and blood sugar levels, making them the perfect beverage to manage diabetes and one of the best medicines for diabetes.

Anti-diabetic medications shouldn’t be your only option to fight the illness. Let’s look at some of the best types of tea for diabetic patients to manage the disease. 

The Best Types of Tea for People with Diabetes

Many studies have shown that certain types of tea can help control diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels. Tea also has anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing properties. You can consider it a natural and more healthy diabetic medicine.

Best type of tea for diabetic patients

Regular consumption of tea can ease the symptoms of diabetes and also provide other health benefits. The following teas for diabetes are a reservoir of health benefits:

Black Tea

Black tea is rich in plant compounds such as theaflavins and thearubigins, which possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood-sugar-lowering properties. Several studies revealed the effectiveness of black tea in promoting insulin secretion; this keeps the blood sugar levels under control.

Green Tea

Green tea has gained widespread popularity in recent years for its incredible range of health benefits. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that reduce cellular damage, which results in an anti-aging effect. It is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea is rich in an antioxidant called ‘catechins’ which reduce the effect of insulin resistance. The most astonishing fact about green tea is that not only can it control blood sugar levels, but it can also reduce the risk of developing diabetes. If you have diabetes, have some green tea for diabetes management. Of all the types of tea that help manage the disease, green tea could be the best tea for diabetes. 

Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon is a spice popular for its wide range of health benefits, including anti-diabetic properties. This spice, widely used in cuisines across the world, is packed with healing properties. Regularly drinking cinnamon tea may lower blood sugar spikes. Cinnamon slows down the release of sugar into the bloodstream, promotes cellular glucose uptake, and improves insulin sensitivity. Sip a refreshing cup of cinnamon tea to keep diabetics under check.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has been known for its amazing range of health benefits for a long time. This herbal tea is known for its ability in regulating blood sugar levels. It is rich in antioxidants and has strong astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. This soothing tea is also known to improve your metabolism and help in weight loss. 

Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea, just like all the other types of tea, is known for a wide array of health benefits, including its anti-inflammatory property and ability to control blood sugar levels. Studies also show that hibiscus may reduce insulin resistance. Drink hibiscus tea for its rich antioxidants, ability to control blood glucose level, and several other benefits.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea comes from the same plant from which green and black tea comes from, yet it is different in many ways. What separates it from the other two is that it is only partially fermented, unlike green tea, which is unfermented and black tea which is fully fermented. Apart from being rich in minerals and vitamins, Oolong tea has the advantage of both green and black tea as it is partially fermented. It is well-known for its benefits for people with type-2 diabetes. Apart from increasing the insulin sensitivity, the polyphenols present in oolong tea keep the blood sugar levels and insulin levels in control.

Turmeric Tea

Turmeric is a popular spice widely used in cuisines across the world. It is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Curcumin, the primary substance in turmeric, is known for its blood sugar lowering properties. Turmeric tea can help significantly reduce blood sugar levels. 

We now know about the different types of anti-diabetic tea and the benefits of drinking them. Have some tea to lower blood sugar, but are there any precautions you need to take? But, how much tea should a person with diabetes drink? Are there any side effects of drinking too much of any of the above tea? Let’s find out.

Potential Side-Effects of Tea for People with Diabetes

While tea does have incredible health properties, the way you consume it can dictate its effect on your health. To enhance the flavour of the beverage, many people prefer to sweeten it with sugar or honey. Drinking sweetened tea occasionally might not cause much of a difference, but regular consumption can result in health issues. So, having sugar-free tea is the best option for you if you have diabetes.

The side effects of drinking tea for diabetics

So, tea without sugar is the way to go! While a few cups of tea are perfectly healthy to be consumed in a day, excess consumption of the beverage could result in health problems. Diabetic patients need to be careful before including any type of new tea into their diet because certain herbal teas can interact with various medications. So, it is important to consult your doctor before adding any new teas to your diet.


There are many types of tea that are known for their incredible health properties. Not only do they help diabetes patients by controlling blood sugar levels, but they also offer other health benefits. Teas such as green tea, chamomile tea, black tea, oolong tea, cinnamon tea, turmeric, and hibiscus are all beneficial for diabetic patients. Sip a cup of hot piping tea to fight diabetes. 


1. Does tea reduce blood sugar?

A: Research has also shown that tea has properties that help lower blood sugar levels. This can help diabetes patients manage the condition.

2.  How can I reduce my blood sugar levels quickly?

A: The sudden rise in blood sugar levels is also called hyperglycemia. The quickest way to lower blood sugar levels in such a situation is to take fast-acting insulin. Exercising is another way to lower blood sugar levels quickly. 

3.  How does green tea lower blood sugar?

A: Green tea and other tea types are known to be effective in lowering blood sugar levels. Green tea is rich in an antioxidant called ‘catechins’, which reduces the effect of insulin resistance. 

4. What is the best drink for people with diabetes?

A: Staying hydrated is crucial for those suffering from high blood pressure. So, water is the best drink for diabetes patients. Unsweetened tea and coffee and orange juice are also good drinks for people with diabetes.

5. What vegetable lowers blood sugar?

A: There are many vegetables that are good for diabetic patients. Carrots, broccoli, cabbage, and spinach are some of the best vegetables to lower blood sugar.

6. What should I eat if my sugar is high?

A: A diabetic patient must eat a healthy diet consisting of food that is slowly absorbed by the body. Whole grain, sweet potato, oatmeal, and most fruits and nuts are good choices for diabetic patients. 

7. What fruit should people with diabetes avoid?

A: There are many fruits that are very healthy and beneficial for diabetic patients. There are also fruits that are generally healthy but not for diabetic patients. Diabetic patients must either steer clear or eat only a small serving of fruits such as pineapple, tangerines, and mangoes. They must also avoid fruit juices and fruits with added

8. How long does it take to lower blood sugar?

A: The amount of time taken to lower blood sugar depends on a lot of factors. For people without diabetes, it could take a couple of hours after food for the blood sugar levels to go down. 

9. How can I reverse diabetes permanently?

A: There is no cure for Type-2 diabetes, though it can be reversed to a large extent by following a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet and exercise. 

10. How do you feel when your blood sugar is too high?

A: Some of the symptoms of high blood sugar are increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, and headache.

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